
Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

In this webinar, David B. Alexander, LP will present some of the primary principles of Nonviolent Communication, and their application in daily life. After the presentation, there will be time for questions and answers.

This will be an enriching, safe opportunity for learning how to deepen relationships of all kinds through better communication, including through authenticity towards oneself, achieving more often the results we desire. As a psychotherapist, David has seen the value of these principles, and has guided numerous couples and individuals to improve the quality of their communication and their relationships.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Compassion vs. Labeling and Judgment

  • Observation vs. Diagnosis and Evaluation

  • Listening With Empathy

  • Feelings, Needs, and Requests

  • Expressing Anger's Core

  • Protection vs. Punishment

  • Liberation From Our Internal Programming


Note: if any attendee does not wish to join in the discussion after the presentation, but prefers to observe and absorb, that preference will be respected.

The webinar meeting will take place online via Zoom. The webinar can be joined via ordinary phone, but for a full experience use of a computer will allow observing other attendees and those who are speaking. Attendees who do not wish to be seen can disable their video, and those who do not wish to speak (or if there is background noise in the attendee's area) can mute their microphone so as to hear the webinar discussion without speaking.