Communication for a Better Life

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Experience a better life.

As the speaker and facilitator, David B. Alexander brings his experience as a psychotherapist, consultant, partner, and parent, as well as integrating a lifelong practice and teaching of meditation and Tai Chi Chuan.

David's therapy work is focused on individuals and couples, as well as organizational therapy for leaders and their teams, leading to connection, well-being, and achieving more of one's goals in life. He teaches communication skills especially to couples coming to improve their relationships.

The various presentations about and discussions of communication, especially Nonviolent Communication (NVC), are dedicated to making life better for group participants, through better understanding of self and other and through better communication choices

These events are enriching, safe opportunities for learning how to deepen relationships of all kinds through better communication, including through authenticity towards oneself, achieving more often the results we desire. As a psychotherapist, David has seen the value of these principles, and has guided numerous couples and individuals to improve the quality of their communication and their relationships.

Topics for Nonviolent Communication include:

  • Compassion vs. Labeling and Judgment
  • Observation vs. Diagnosis and Evaluation
  • Listening With Empathy
  • Feelings, Needs, and Requests
  • Expressing Anger's Core
  • Protection vs. Punishment
  • Liberation From Internal Programming

Other meetings will have various specific topics. Past topics have included Solving the Roots of Conflict; Having the Difficult Conversation; and Communication in the Workplace.

Lastly, we will also be having unscripted meetings open to any issue of communication that participants wish to bring up.



After presentations, there is always time for questions and answers as well as discussion; some meetings are facilitated discussion only

Note: if any attendee does not wish to join in a discussion, but prefers to observe and absorb, that preference will be respected.

Events take place online via Zoom, and may in the future also take place in person, in Long Island or Manhattan at announced addresses.

Webinars can be joined via ordinary phone, but for a full experience use of a computer will allow observing other attendees and those who are speaking. Attendees who do not wish to be seen can disable their video, and those who do not wish to speak (or if there is background noise in the attendee's area) can mute their microphone so as to hear the webinar discussion without speaking.

You can call David B. Alexander at (718) 229-2609, if you have any questions.


Insight and Energy

“I thought the the webinar was outstanding. Although I have some familiarity with the concepts of nonviolent communication, I felt that the webinar greatly expanded my knowledge in this area and gave me useful information and techniques that I can apply to improve my relationships with my family and friends.”

Insight and Energy

“The amount of information was terrific, dialogue was great. I wouldn't change anything. I thought meeting everyone was wonderful and having the dialogue. I am interested in attending more webinars.”

Insight and Energy

“Perfect. Very Comfortable interaction. A professional presentation. I liked listening to your personal experiences and those of others.”

Insight and Energy

“I thought it was very effective and constructive. I enjoyed the candor of presenters and openness to discuss concerns and clarify.”

Upcoming Communication Interactive Events

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  • Saturday, May 3 · 11am EDT (2h)

    Good communication makes for more enjoyable and enduring relationships, and more personal fulfillment. In this webinar, David…

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    Good communication makes for more enjoyable and enduring relationships, and more personal fulfillment. In this webinar, David B. Alexander, LP (licensed psychotherapist) will present some of the primary principles of Nonviolent Communication, and their application in daily life. After the presentation, there will be time for questions and answers. Discussion will also be invited as a way to engage those attending in a more direct way. See some testimonials below.

    This will be an enriching, safe opportunity for learning how to deepen relationships of all kinds through better communication, including through authenticity towards oneself, achieving more often the results we desire.

    As a psychotherapist, David has seen the value of these principles, and has guided numerous couples and individuals to improve the quality of their communication and their relationships.

    Topics that will be covered include:

    • Compassion vs. Labeling and Judgment

    • Observation vs. Diagnosis and Evaluation

    • Listening With Empathy

    • Feelings, Needs, and Requests

    • Liberation From Our Internal Programming

    There will also be interactive exercises allowing participants to share connection with each other while becoming more aware of their own ability to communicate more fully.


    David's workshop on Nonviolent Communication was insightful, practical and interactive. I especially appreciated the time he took to listen to and respond to people's real-life communication challenges. Practical and thoughtful workshop especially relevant in today's turbulent times.

    ~ Terre Passero, President, Mindful Stress Management

    I recently attended one of the online webinars hosted by this amazing psychotherapist and speaker. I was blown away by the depth of knowledge and wisdom that was shared during the session. I highly recommend attending one of his sessions in the future, you will not be disappointed!

    ~ Andrey Volodin, doctoral student and software engineer

    I enjoyed every minute of the webinar. Your discussion of the important issues was very informative, useful and helpful. Your encouragement of us, the attendees, to participate and express our opinion was very valuable. I highly appreciate your professionalism, knowledge, experience, courtesy and patience.

    The atmosphere at the meeting was very friendly and kind. I believe, no one (including myself) was uncomfortable in sharing the personal story(ies) and concerns. I further believe, that under your amazing guidance and leadership in the discussion, we all benefited from this meeting. Great job, David!

    Thank you very much, and I look forward to your meetings in the future.

    ~ Olga Ruh, Attorney


    Note: if any attendee does not wish to join in the discussion after the presentation, but prefers to observe and absorb, that preference will be respected.

    The webinar meeting will take place online via Zoom. The webinar can be joined via ordinary phone, but for a full experience use of a computer will allow observing other attendees and those who are speaking.

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  • Insight and Energy

    “I had both the privilege and good fortune to first connect with David in 2019. In retaining his services, I found him to be highly professional, insightful, authentic, patient, and kind. I greatly appreciated his direct approach, thoughtful consideration, and engaging manner.

    As it turns out, the feedback and insight he provided me turned out to be absolutely spot on, over the course of time. It is a pleasure to recommend David as a pragmatic, discerning, and intuitive counselor, therapist, and leader.”

    Founder and CEO, Exaio Systems

  • Insight and Energy

    “David recently did a presentation on non-violent communication on behalf of one of my clients, an HR firm. To say that he hit it out of the ballpark would be an understatement. He was engaging, used real-world scenarios and examples and provided the attendees with actionable take-aways to help them navigate the sometimes-tricky world of intergenerational workplace communication.

    David is genuine and empathetic. Even during a brief training, his message resonated with this audience of business owners, HR managers and C-suite executives. We received extremely positive feedback from the attendees and highly recommend David for consulting and training in this area.”

    President, PrescRXptive Communications, LLC

  • Insight and Energy

    “David is a superbly gifted Organizational Therapist who is able to help guide entrepreneurs in growing their businesses while navigating the highly unpredictable environment that we find ourselves in.

    Unlike many psychotherapists he has a long-established track record of working and advising in the real world, which allows him to help his clients deal with real world problem solving. If you have an established business which is coping with a changing times, or an entrepreneur looking to unlock growth and opportunities I would highly recommend David as a consultant.”

    Entrepreneurial Product Designer and CEO of Very Memorable

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